Grouped by surprising and unique shared features, these animal books will introduce readers to unfamiliar species and shed new light on old favorites.
Familiar characters, harrowing survival stories, and regional fact guides help readers expand their knowledge about the world around them in this spring’s geography selections.
When it’s executed well, the unreliable narrator device can turn a story around in memorable and highly satisfying ways. Here are 13 stellar examples of recent books with narrators who mislead, misdirect, or even outright lie to readers, waiting for just the right moment to reveal the truth.
From apex predators to precious pets, these animal books capture the interest and imagination of young learners.
This selection of animal books offers a nice variety of topics, ranging from animals that interact with humans, both as companions and as helpers, to broader topics of animal classification and beginning encyclopedias.
SLJ's "Heavy Medal" bloggers are still putting Freewater's unexpected Newbery win into context, as they examine 10 past winners that made an impact.
The library’s animal section can serve as an endless source of fascination to curious kids.
This season’s animal series present information and learning concepts in a variety of ways.
The Newbery Medal is as popular—and controversial—as ever. Here's what librarians have to say about it.
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