A fine series for report writers and browsers. Recommended for public and school libraries.
A solid choice for middle grade students.
Recommended for background reading for stronger readers and for active reading exercises, but questionable for formal research.
Strong visuals and age-appropriate text make this a first choice for younger readers.
Libraries that serve foodies may want to consider.
Not groundbreaking, but appealing enough to consider for school libraries.
A top addition for middle schoolers.
Recommended, but, due to occasional vagueness of detail and light treatment of the supernatural, better suited to independent reading than careful study.Middle to High School
A thorough coverage for intermediate grades, with excellent images.
A well-designed series that will appeal to students, parents, and educators. Libraries can't go wrong.
Though the set is less interactive than the name would suggest, it still could be a serviceable addition to most collections.
An attractive introductory series for little ones, with the exception of Los Kits.
Fresh, creative additions to the dinosaur shelves.
While not trying to be comprehensive, each title sensitively and honestly lays out the history, background, and recent events in its respective movement. Recommended.
Bound to be popular among gearheads in schools and public libraries.
The visual appeal of this series is undeniable, and with just enough facts provided it should engage young students.
Engaging, and conversational in tone, this series is good for report writers.
Highly recommended for middle and high schools, especially for reference and research.
Solid choices to fill gaps or add depth to a popular subject area.
A welcome addition to STEM shelves.
Aimed at mature students, adherents, and report writers.
Useful series with some titles that may fill subject gaps, Lyrebirds and Devil Rays in particular.
Recommended for independent reading, though less solid for research.
A solid career resource for school and public libraries.
A necessary purchase for preparing children to navigate today's media-rich landscape.
A very basic primer on key players in early U.S. history. Large nonfiction collections may want to consider.
A real winner; this series is a must-buy for most communities.
A welcome update to a classic set of reliable experiments. Newer libraries will want to check out.
A secondary purchase for larger elementary libraries.
A must-have series for developing self-awareness practices and empowerment in children.
An additional selection where narrative nonfiction is in demand for very young readers.
Straightforward writing accompanied by fitting photographs makes this an introductory series of value to young readers and large library collections.
Consider Antarctica only.
High-interest titles with low utility. Consider for large collections.
Solid additions to most nonfiction collections on a high-interest topic.
Cute and achievable functional and decorative items. A great addition to crafting collections.
Despite some shortcomings, a much-needed boost for critical thinking.
A good resource to help reinforce basic elementary school concepts, if advertising aimed at children does not represent a conflict.
High-interest nonfiction that will appeal to a wide audience, including students who don't ordinarily enjoy STEM topics. A solid pick for elementary schoolers.
Highly recommended for general science or STEAM programs, this series features the latest designs in multiple fields from around the world.
A well-designed addition to elementary science and technology collections.
Libraries where inquiry-based learning is being practiced can select as needed, keeping in mind the above caveats.
Environmentally and globally conscious, this set would be a welcome addition to most collections.
This versatile biography set is a fine choice for middle grade readers.
A strong, purposeful message makes this an attractive addition to large civics collections.Middle to High School
Informative and thrilling sports titles, fun for beginning and reluctant readers.
Consider as an additional selection.
A simple introductory series that will help young readers understand some of the many cultural and religious traditions that make up the United States.
A fine series for beginning readers, with the exception of Australia.
Information-rich material and mass appeal make this a valuable purchase for older teen nonfiction collections.
Good choices for kids considering a pet and for those who like to read about them.
This set provides excellent technical information for high school or advanced middle school students.
An up-to-date addition to large nonfiction collections.
Libraries looking to bolster connections between math and athletics will want to make purchasing this series a priority.
An indispensable guide to the lives of great women. Purchase to enlighten middle school readers who hope to change the world.
Some flaws, but serviceable for subject needs.
An informative addition to most collections, especially where farming is uncommon.
Good additions for beginning readers.
Photos, illustrations, and facts combine nicely in this appealing package. A good choice for most collections.
A first purchase for middle and high school students.
An unnecessary addition for most collections.
As youth today encounter more and more vitriolic and uninformed discourse in their lives, this series is a timely reminder that civic awareness benefits all.
Even well-stocked libraries should consider adding these
The conversational tone and broad range of structures and their locations make this set a fine introduction to these wonders. For report writers and browsers. The International Space Station and The World Trade Center have broadest appeal.
Although aimed at "reluctant" readers, this series has the potential to appeal to a broad audience. Robust collections may want to consider.
A winning combination of entertaining information and stunning visuals that will appeal to car buffs and those browsing the shelves.
A suitable, though not perfect, addition for school or public libraries.
Enticing visuals and a forward-thinking perspective make this series an excellent choice for library collections.
Notable for its breadth, this series would make a fine introduction to world nations.
An essential guide to navigating the challenges of puberty and life beyond.
An engaging introduction for younger readers. For more extensive information about the ways animals help humans, consider Enslow's "Animals at Work" (reviewed below) or Children's Press's excellent "Animal Helpers."
A great series to encourage critical thinking. Robust collections will want to consider.
Recommended for collections serving preschool and early elementary patrons.
Helpful tips, smart science, and lots of sugar! An excellent pick for cooking programs looking to incorporate science concepts.
Successful mix of narrative, facts, and photographs for young elementary schoolers.
Serviceable introductions to a perennially favorite topic. Consider for robust collections.
Where collections are in need of more options for reluctant nonfiction readers, these will fit the bill. Otherwise, pass.
Light reads with charm. A strong supplemental purchase.
Despite some shortcomings in sourcing, these are very good materials for research.
Though the titles may soon be superseded, they are serviceable additions to most collections.
Purchase as needed for early reader collections.
Solid introductory series for early elementary grades.
Students tasked with research projects will be grateful for this series. A solid option for upper elementary schoolers.
Readers will learn much about the food they love or yearn to sample. Maybe not a first purchase, but noteworthy for its expansive coverage and usefulness for history units.
If hunting-related collections are light, this series will beef it up.
Libraries need not purchase them all, but a few of these titles could round out early reader collections.
An easy introductory series for young readers interested in the world beyond our borders.
Highly recommended for middle schoolers.
Strong animal-oriented choices for kids just learning to read.
A top consideration, especially where students are asking for more STEM materials.
This is a series librarians will want to cherry-pick for big names and local interest.
A winning choice for lovers of art history.
Engaging and challenging. A solid purchase for any library.
Though no sources are provided and back matter is thin, these titles will serve well for providing background for students.
With uses in the curriculum or for pleasure reading, this thought-provoking look at media takes a unique, academic focus and will benefit most collections.
Additional purchases as needed, but pay special attention to the high-interest natural disaster titles.
Will meet the needs of curricular units on community and larger libraries.
Generally engaging surveys for large nonfiction collections.
Though flawed, the text is a good resource for teaching the scientific method. Robust collections may want to consider.
A helpful series for lessons, science fairs, or STEM events at school, with potential for at-home use as well.