Families, Families, Families!

Families, Families, Families! illus. by Max Lang. 32p. Random. Mar. 2015. Tr $16.99. ISBN 9780553499384; ebk. $10.99. ISBN 9780553499391.
PreS-Gr 1—Imagine a house with many rooms, whose walls each have a different color or wallpaper, accenting a family portrait hanging there. On a rustic wooden wall hangs the first portrait—a large family of ducks posing beside a still pond. The next spread shows three pandas in pink vests, much like the pink oriental wallpaper behind them. Each portrait features a gently rhyming line: "Some children live with their grandparents…/and some live with an aunt./Some children have many pets…/and some just have a plant." All of these appealing images demonstrate different ways of being a family. "Some children live with their father./ Some children have two mothers./Some children are adopted./Some have stepsisters and—brothers." The cartoon-style critters contrast pleasantly with more realistic elements—a bamboo plant, a slender ceramic dog, a fat ceramic cat. Families of hippos, tigers, lions, ostriches, and whales join the other family groups in the final spread. The loud-and-clear message is that "if you love each other, then you are a family." And imagine the many children who will be reassured because they have found a portrait of a family they will recognize as their own. A solid choice for most libraries.—Mary Jean Smith, formerly at Southside Elementary School, Lebanon, TN
"Some children live with their grandparents / and some live with an aunt. / Some children have many pets... / ...and some just have a plant!" Todd Parr's The Family Book mined the same all-family-configurations-deserve-respect territory, but the Langs go with rhymes and an all-animal cast. The art is multifaceted, featuring framed family photos with both illustrated and photographic elements.

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