I Can Be All Three

Jun. 2023. 40p. Tr $18.99. ISBN 9781665901840.
K-Gr 3–With an Indian dad and a German mom, the young narrator of this book relishes the richness of two cultures at home and easily embraces American culture at school. But this identity also presents a conundrum when she ponders how to contribute to her classroom’s Multicultural Day celebration. She sees herself as a blend of three distinct and wonderful cultures. How can she choose which one to share with her classmates? Ultimately, she decides she doesn’t have to choose, and when she presents a beautiful diorama with elements from all three of her cultures, she discovers she’s not the only multicultural individual in her class. This joyful celebration will resonate with readers of all ages and encourage each of us to embrace our whole selves. Expressive illustrations splashed with brilliant colors complement the uplifting tone of the text. A note discloses that the author herself identifies with more than just one culture.
VERDICT A love letter to the beauty and joy of multicultural identities, this vibrant picture book will surely spark discussion and reflection. An excellent choice for story time and classroom read-alouds.

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