Blue Moon

Bk. 2. 336p. (Dead City Series). S & S/Aladdin. 2013. Tr $16.99. ISBN 9781442441316; ebk. $10.99. ISBN 9781442441330.
Gr 6 Up—Picking up shortly after Dead City (S & S, 2012) ends, Molly Bigelow and her Omega Team face new challenges while combating the undead in New York City. Now part of the elite Baker's Dozen, the group is charged with uncovering the present identities and tracking the whereabouts of the original 13 zombies. They must discover which zombie will replace Marek as leader, why certain creatures are turning up permanently dead, and what clues are hidden in subway stations and various landmarks. Stakes are high as the genius teen detectives race against time to piece together leads. Ponti weaves a complex plot full of suspense and intrigue. Through the super sleuthing of the talented agents, the history of Manhattan's undead is revealed. Especially intriguing are the flashbacks from the man responsible for an 1896 mining explosion, Milton Blackwell. Likable characters and a witty narrative, coupled with the themes of friendship, loyalty, and betrayal, make this page-turning adventure a must-have. A satisfying and engaging read that will leave fans wanting more.—Donna Rosenblum, Floral Park Memorial High School, NY
While on assignment for secret zombie-policing society the Omegas, Molly (Dead City) and her team uncover a plot to zombify New York's citizens. Molly also discovers that her deceased mother (a legendary Omega member herself) is actually undead and watching over her family. With its likable, science-minded heroine; lots of action; and light banter, this fast-paced mystery is more romp than horror story.

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