Miss MacDonald Has a Farm

Doubleday. Mar. 2024. 32p. Tr $18.99. ISBN 9780593568163.
PreS-Gr 2–This is a jaunty tribute, modeled on the original song about Old MacDonald, to the hard work and satisfaction of growing food. However, this MacDonald is young, female, and a farmer of color. “With a seed-seed here/ and a sow-throw there,/ here it shoots,/ there it sprouts,/ everywhere it sprout-sprouts,” Miss MacDonald loves what she does as she plants, waters, weeds, picks, prunes, shucks, and washes her produce and then cooks it all up into a feast for her friends. The text scans well with language that will be fun to read out loud or sing. It will, however, be too complex for a sing-along. This book is not a detailed primer on how food grows, so much as an appreciation of the great variety of edible plant life and the care it requires. Cheerfully colored cartoon-style illustrations have elements of block printing and pack in a lot of action without overwhelming viewers.
VERDICT A playful introduction for plant and seed units, this has classroom uses as well as story hour possibilities, especially when paired with the classic song.

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