Métis Like Me

Tundra. Apr. 2024. 40p. Tr $18.99. ISBN 9781774881125.
PreS-Gr 2–This joyful, inclusive picture book involves everyone in an introduction to Métis culture. In one spread after another, drawn in an accessible watercolor style, friendly Métis children share various aspects of their culture, such as traditional food, music, art, dance, and poetry. The first child shares a Métis tradition they participate in, then the next tells whether their family participates in that tradition before sharing another aspect of the culture. This continuity establishes the community as diverse yet strongly connected. Most sentences are simple, and there are never more than three per page, which keeps the book moving and the information engaging. The illustrations are fairly simple, but they creatively incorporate traditional Métis art forms, such as beading. An author’s note provides additional information.
VERDICT Despite the specificity implied in the title, this is a book for everyone. A first purchase for libraries looking to expand Indigenous representation in collections.

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